We find what is

Different, Better, and Special

about your business and

unleash it's potential.

Buffalo Consulting provides a full range of marketing and business management services to a diverse range of industries with innovative ideas and solutions.

We believe in teaching methods based on sound strategic, tactical and biblical principles.


We had some fun with the wording of this section and wrote it in a Western style to make it easier to understand some more complex concepts. Yeehaw!

  • Well, let me lay it out for you like an old western tale. Mentoring is like an old gunslinger takin’ a young buck under his wing, guiding him through the ins and outs of life, sharin’ tales of yesteryears, and helpin’ him find his way in this wild world. It’s a bond, forged over time, built on trust and understanding.

    Now, coaching, that’s a bit different. Think of it like a sharpshooter givin’ tips to a greenhorn on how to hit that bullseye, focused and direct, aimed at nailing a particular target. It’s more about perfectin’ a skill or tacklin’ a specific hurdle right here and now. So, while both are ridin’;the trail of growth, they’ve got different campfires they’re sittin’ around and different tunes they’re playin’ to.

  • Alright, let’s sit a spell and talk about strategic planning. Imagine you’re plannin’ a big buffalo drive across open country. Strategic planning in the business world is kinda like that. It’s chartin’ out your course, knowin’ which trails to take, and makin’ sure you’ve got the supplies and the manpower to get to where you’re headin’.

    You’ve got your eyes on the horizon, setting out those big goals and figurin’ what it’s gonna take to reach em. It’s your map to the future, helping you roll with the punches and keep growing. And just like a good trail wrangler, you make sure everyone’s ridin’ in the same direction, all aimed at that same big picture - the vision and mission of your outfit.

  • Alright, let’s break it down like we’re sittin’ around a campfire. Sales development is like the scouts headin’ out ahead of the posse, findin’ those opportunities and makin’ sure they’re ripe for the pickin’. They’re out there, talkin’ to folks, and gettin’ a feel for who’s interested in joinin’ the ride.

    Now, on the other side, you’ve got marketing development. Think of em as the storytellers, the ones who set the scene. They’re lookin’ over the horizon, figuring out where folks might wanna head next and spreadin’ the word about what’s on offer. By workin’ hand in hand, these two make sure the trail’s clear, and there’s a good story to tell when you arrive in town, ready for business.

  • Well, let me paint you a picture of operational excellence. Imagine you’re runnin’ a ranch, and you’re lookin’ to make every piece of it work smoother than a well-oiled saddle. It’s about constantly betterin’ every nook and cranny of your operation, cutting out the slack, and makin’ sure you’re workin’ at peak performance.

    You want your ranch to run like a finely tuned machine, giving the folks you serve the best dang experience with the least fuss and waste. It’s about keepin’ an eye out for new ways to do things, always pushin’ for better, and stayin’ true to deliverin’ top-notch quality. At the end of the day, it’s all about standin’ tall in the saddle, leading the pack, and givin’ folks the best value for their hard-earned dollar.

  • When we talk about growth initiatives, we’re talkin’ about the bold moves a company takes to spread its wings and fly a little higher. It’s like stakin’ a claim in new territory or introducing a new breed of Buffalo to the ranch. Might be about rollin’ out new products, ridin’ into new towns (or markets), or teaming up with other folks in a partnership.

    Could even be about mergers, where two outfits join forces, or cookin’ up some fresh marketing ideas to rope in more customers. At the end of the day, it’s all about seizin’ opportunities, adapting to the wild changes of the business frontier, and making sure the company keeps movin’ onward and upward.

  • Here’s how it goes in the wild west of organizational development. Think of it like a seasoned rancher meticulously plannin’ out his ranch to make it the best in the west. Through the wisdom of age-old practices and keen observation, he shapes up the ranch, ensuring every cowboy, Buffalo, and even the fences are in tip-top shape, all workin’ in harmony. It ain’t just about makin’ sure the barn’s standing; it’s about alignin’ everything with the ranch’s vision – its spirit, its culture, and its very essence.

    Our rancher takes a good hard look at how things are runnin’, spots the kinks, and sets things right, makin’ sure everyone’s roped in, communicatin’ clear as a bell, and workin’ together like a well-oiled machine. Because at the end of the day, the big picture is to have a ranch that’s not just survivin’, but thrivin’, ready to face whatever the wild west throws its way, today and for many sunsets to come.

  • Business as Ministry" – or BAM for short – is where the world of business meets Christian missions. We're talking about a way of workin' that ain't just about the dollar, but also about the good it can do for the soul and folks around. Now, businesses ridin' the BAM trail, they stand tall for what's right, helpin' out the ministry and growin' the community. And the folks runnin' these outfits? They're dead set on givin' their best to the Man Upstairs, pitchin' in where folks need it most, makin' a difference in the community, and puttin' those hard-earned profits right back where they're needed.

  • EOS/Traction is all about getting your outfit to march to the same beat, using the EOS principles and tools. It's like rounding up a herd and getting every last one pointed in the right direction. This system is built tough to help businesses clear the dust, get everyone singing the same tune, and ensure the work gets done right and tight. By focusing on the big picture—vision, the crew—people, the hard facts—data, the challenges—issues, the way we work—process, and keeping a steady pace—traction, it's about making sure every part of the operation is working together, aiming for the same horizon. So, saddle up and let's get this show on the road, ensuring every member of the team knows the play and is ready to ride out at dawn.


Is this done in person or virtually?

We serve the Huntsville, Birmingham and Nashville markets. The mentor partnership will be split into in person and remote as needed.

How much time do I need to devote?

This depends on the package that’s best for you, you will typically work a full day a month (for however many months) with me going over everything included, with time in between to implement changes.

What does a strategic Planner Survey entail?

Here’s a look at just a few of the topics we will go over with every service. Key player survey, Key Player interview, Consolidation of interviews, SWOT analysis, Executive Debrief, Recommendations


— Rory Vaden